sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

UNIT 29 Categorising Learners Mistakes


Categorising Learners Mistakes
     This unit is about categorizing learner’s mistakes, as we know students make a lot of errors or slips through the learning process and teacher must have to know how to help them to improve these kind of mistakes.
     To begin with, we have to recognize the differences between errors and slips. The first one, it happen when learners try to say something and use the language unconsciously to trying to understand and using it, The second one, are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotion such as wrong pronunciation, wrong vocabulary, and wrong word, and some others. When a learner makes a slip they make a language mistake but they are able to correct themselves. These kind of mistakes are very common in the processing of language.
      Then, it is important to know that there are some causes of these mistakes such as L1 interference, problems in accuracy, appropriacy this happen because learners not using language suitable for the context. Furthermore, oral and writing are the most common ways of mistakes in which students not send the message clearly because of missing words, sentences or utterance.

      At the end, I consider that to put in practice all I mention above it is necessary to take into account the different ways to help learners to improve these kind of mistakes. For example, do not ignore student’s mistakes, encourage them to take ricks, show genuine interest in their work, and so on in order to motivate them.


prezi.com,. (2016). Categorising learners' mistakes. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://prezi.com/qppyqcolhtv5/categorising-learners-mistakes/

YouTube,. (2016). Correcting mistakes in language learning, does it work?. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5CE52uLMgQ

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Wilson.
    Your blog is very nice. Everything that you mentioned here is true, especially the part where you say that teachers do not have to ignore student’s mistakes, I agree with that because teachers have to encourage and motivate them.

  2. Hi Wilson.
    Your blog is very nice. Everything that you mentioned here is true, especially the part where you say that teachers do not have to ignore student’s mistakes, I agree with that because teachers have to encourage and motivate them.
