viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

UNIT 23 Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation


Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation 
      In this unit I learned about an important topic which is references resources. Reference resources refer about all the information that the teacher needs to have knowledge of in order to have a successful class due that reference resources is a help for teachers when they teaching the second language.
     Next, is important to mention that reference resources provide specific information in which teacher can make use of it according to the student’s level. To illustrate it there are some common resources like reference materials such as dictionaries, grammar books, articles about language, and supplementary materials in a coursebook such as phonemic charts and websites on the internet. Moreover, we can find new dictionaries with new editions in which the teacher and the students can see new features like information about collocation, synonyms, antonyms and so on. These kinds of things are very helpful for teachers because they can decide which one are the most usefulness to teach. But, it is important to mention that we need to be careful when choosing the different resources for our students.
     Finally, I consider that the education is very crucial in the learning process and the teacher has to use all the resources according to the student’s needs. Furthermore, as a future teacher I consider that all these kinds of things will be very helpful for me in my professional life due that it will facilitate the acquisition of language for my students. As I said before, I need to be careful when choosing the reference resources due that we have to take into consideration our students’ need, age, level and way they use to learn new things.   

 References:,. (2016). Consulting Reference Resources to Help in Lesson Preparation. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from

Using references resources for lesson planning (2009, May 22)

Reference resources: What Are They and Why should You Use Them (2015, April 16)

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