sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Lesson Study

                                                                       Lesson Study

Resultado de imagen para Lesson Study

      Lesson study is a form of classroom inquiry in which several teachers collaboratively plan, teach, observe, revise and share the results of a single class lesson. Teachers work through the steps listed below.
      There are some steps that teacher have to know in order to improve their teaching. Form a team, it is necessary that the teams are usually composed of 3-6 instructors. Then they have to develop learning goals where all members articulate what they would like students to know and be able to do as a result of the lesson. After, it is crucial to design the lesson because the group designs a lesson to achieve the learning goals. Plan the study is a method in which the team decides how to observe and collect evidence of student learning. Teach and observation help one team member teaches the lesson while others observe and collect evidence of student learning. Also, analyze and revise all the steps it is essential because the team discusses the results and assesses student progress toward learning goals. And the last step is document and disseminate in which the team documents the lesson study and shares their work with colleagues. These steps are useful because teacher can explore how students learn and thinking through this methodology.

      To put in practice all I mention above, it is crucial to make a good relationship with my colleagues and make a collaboratively plan, research, and study their lesson instruction as a way to determine how students learn best.

References :

Collaborativeclassroom.org,. (2016).Lesson Study. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.collaborativeclassroom.org/lesson-study

Uwlax.edu,. (2016). Lesson Study Project Overview. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://www.uwlax.edu/sotl/lsp/overview.htm

YouTube,. (2016). The Lesson Study Process. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr15SLGaSZI

Writing Lesson Objectives

Resultado de imagen de writing lesson objectives

Writing Lesson Objectives

     I consider that Bloom´s Taxonomy is the most appropriate way to write lesson objectives, because it is focus on six levels and through them learners can develop skills, attitude, and knowledge.
      The six levels consist on knowledge where students have the ability to recognize information, ideas, and principles that they were learned. Comprehension, interprets information based on prior learning. .Application, students are capable to complete a problem or task with a little direction. Analysis, learners have the ability to contras, compare and understand complex ideas. Synthesis, students can integrate and combines ideas into a product. And evaluation in which learners can give his or her point of view. These things are useful to write lesson objectives considering teacher expectation about what students need to know.

      As teacher I consider that it is very crucial to write lesson objective because allow as to select appropriate classroom assessment techniques for the course. Furthermore, to apply all I say above it is important to do that I have to plan and design appropriate instruction in order to achieve what I expect students have to do.


Depts.washington.edu,. (2016).Assignment 1. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://depts.washington.edu/eproject/objectives.htm

Csus.edu,. (2016). Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://www.csus.edu/indiv/j/jelinekd/EDTE%20116/116%2009-10/Writing%20learning%20objectives.pdf

YouTube,. (2016). 3.2 - How to Write Learning Objectives Using Bloom's Taxonomy. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DgkLV9h69Q

Bloom´s Taxonomy

Resultado de imagen para Bloom´s Taxonomy

Bloom´s Taxonomy
     Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives in which classify forms and levels of learning.  This classification is divided in three domains of learning and six categories, these things allow teacher to choose appropriate assessment techniques for the class.
      The three domains of learning are cognitive which involves knowledge such as recognition of specific facts and the development of intellectual abilities and skills. Affective it refers the progress in feelings or emotional areas like attitudes. And the psychomotor it refers about the manual or physical skills. These kind of domains are known as “KSA” that is mean knowledge, skills, and attitude, where students can get new knowledge, skills, and attitude.
     The six categories according to Bloom are the knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. I consider that these categories are useful because through them students can demonstrate particular skills, values, attitudes, and so on. So, teacher can adapt a good assessment for the course.

     I consider that Bloom´s Taxonomy is a good way to apply in the classroom, to do that I have to plan and design appropriate instruction in order to achieve what I expect students have to do.


Edpsycinteractive.org,. (2016). Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/topics/cognition/bloom.html

YouTube,. (2016). Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain Explained. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1lc-GWtGII

UNIT 29 Categorising Learners Mistakes


Categorising Learners Mistakes
     This unit is about categorizing learner’s mistakes, as we know students make a lot of errors or slips through the learning process and teacher must have to know how to help them to improve these kind of mistakes.
     To begin with, we have to recognize the differences between errors and slips. The first one, it happen when learners try to say something and use the language unconsciously to trying to understand and using it, The second one, are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotion such as wrong pronunciation, wrong vocabulary, and wrong word, and some others. When a learner makes a slip they make a language mistake but they are able to correct themselves. These kind of mistakes are very common in the processing of language.
      Then, it is important to know that there are some causes of these mistakes such as L1 interference, problems in accuracy, appropriacy this happen because learners not using language suitable for the context. Furthermore, oral and writing are the most common ways of mistakes in which students not send the message clearly because of missing words, sentences or utterance.

      At the end, I consider that to put in practice all I mention above it is necessary to take into account the different ways to help learners to improve these kind of mistakes. For example, do not ignore student’s mistakes, encourage them to take ricks, show genuine interest in their work, and so on in order to motivate them.


prezi.com,. (2016). Categorising learners' mistakes. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://prezi.com/qppyqcolhtv5/categorising-learners-mistakes/

YouTube,. (2016). Correcting mistakes in language learning, does it work?. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5CE52uLMgQ

UNIT 28 Identifying the Functions of Learners´ Language


Identifying the Functions of Learners´ Language

     The purpose of this unit is to identify the function of language use by learners in the classroom. These purposes include a range of task and activities in which students can interact with the teacher and each other.
       Through this unit I learned that learners can use language functions in different aspects such as negotiating where learners have discussion in order to reach agreement, prompting which help learners think of ideas or remember a word or what to do, the exponents that teacher use should be according to the age, level, and students’ needs so they can interact appropriately with each other and with the teacher also.
     It is important to mention that the role of the teachers is crucial in the classroom, because they have to introduce a lesson of language functions step by step. For example, the teacher ask students to retell a story given a model and learners can summarizing or speculating it.

      I consider that to put in practice all I say above, as a future teacher I need to select the variety tools according to the student’s levels, age, and needs. Moreover, I have to plan different activities where students have the opportunities to use the language appropriately.  


Finchpark.com,. (2016). Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://www.finchpark.com/courses/tkt/Unit_27/Learner_Language.pdf

YouTube,. (2016). Classroom English: Vocabulary & Expressions for Students. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqaL1YP0pNM

UNIT 27 Using Language appropriately for a range of classroom functions


Using Language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

 As we know teachers have a great responsibility to use the language appropriately for classroom function. The purpose of these functions is to explain and give instruction in English without explaining it, like for example; open your books, listen to me, repeat after me, and some others. Also, we have to take into account the different exponents because it depends on the learning context and the learners needs.
      It is important to mention that the teacher models should give clear examples of the target language. For example, when we model language orally, that we say only what we want learners to repeat. Furthermore, prompting is another important thing which help learner think of ideas or remember a word or phrase or what to do.
     I consider that the range of exponents that teacher choose all depend on the context, age, level of the students and teacher have to know which one is the most appropriate to use in the classroom. Furthermore, to apply all that I say above is important to provide the tools according to the students’ needs and manage the classroom effectively to make students to use the language functions successfully.  


Journals.cambridge.org,. (2016).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 2nd ed. H. Douglas Brown. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987. Pp. xvi + 285.. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?

YouTube,. (2016). 10 useful English expressions - English Vocabulary Lesson. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhM9JdXMjos

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

UNIT 26 Selection and use of teaching aids

UNIT 26:
Resultado de imagen de Selection and use of teaching aids

Selection and use of teaching aids

            I consider that this unit is very crucial not only for teacher, but also for students because through teaching aids like computers, whiteboards, overhead projector and some others resources that help the teachers to teach in a better way and students can develop the four skills using the correct equipment in the classroom.
     Is important to mention, visual aids like pictures, videos, and so on can help learners to understand in a better way. Also, through DVD player students can have information – gap activities which is very useful in order to understand better the grammar by predicting the language in which students can improve their abilities and skills. Moreover, realia is another important thing because through real objects students can practice vocabulary and prompts for grammatical structure. These kinds of activities can help students who have different intelligences to improve their knowledge and get the message clearly.

     Finally, as a future teacher I would like to use all the teaching aids considering the level of the students and needs to make the class more understandable and creating a good environment for them. Also, having a good rapport with students will help a lot.


prezi.com,. (2016). Selection and Use of Teaching Aids. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://prezi.com/rnbhudnvvl7g/selection-and-use-of-teaching-aids/

Romiszowski, A. (1968). The Selection and Use of Teaching Aids. International Text Book Co., Ltd., Parkgate Road London SW 11, England ($2.16). Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED029497

Using of teaching aids in the teaching learning process (2015, June 8)


YouTube,. (2016). Teaching Strategies - LearningStyles. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNxCporOofo

UNIT 25 Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities.


Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities.
      In this unit I learned about supplementary materials which are really necessary into the classroom, not only for English classes but also for all the subjects students receive in the school such as books, pictures, magazines, and some others that we can add to make students to practice the language in order to develop their skills
     Through extra materials students can improve their knowledge about grammar, vocabulary and phonology which are a great help when learning a second language. Also, teachers have to use the technology because there are many resources that help them to replace unsuitable material in the coursebook. There are also interactive pages which can help teachers.  Furthermore, the teacher can adapt many supplementary materials like authentic sources. But, all depends of the student’s levels and needs to give learners extra skills practice due that each person has different ways of learning.
      As a result, I consider that the majority of coursebooks do not have everything that students need. Regarding this, I will use supplementary materials with my future students because I have to consider the student´s level and needs which will help them to use appropriate materials for different purposes.


The Selection and use of supplementary materials (2013, July 1) 

Finchpark.com,. (2016). Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://www.finchpark.com/courses/tkt/Unit_24/supplementary_materials.pdf

YouTube,. (2016). HOMESCHOOL: HOW TO SELECT REQUIRED READING MATERIALS & BOOK REPORTS WORKSHEET. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEsD3RGmTJ4

UNIT 24 Selection and use of coursebook materials

UNIT 24:
Resultado de imagen de Selection and use of coursebook materials

Selection and use of coursebook materials
            In this unit I learned about selection and use of coursebook materials inside the classroom which it helps how to select and use coursebooks in the classroom. Also, through this information teachers can present in the classroom all the materials needed and make students to practice the language in order to develop their four skills which are crucial when learning something. Regarding this, a coursebook includes two types of books, which are the teacher’s book in which there are a tape script and an audio script where students can practice the language by writing what they hear through these recording which is very useful due that the students will be developing their listening skills.
     For students there is a workbook which includes extra materials to reinforce what they already learned the previous class. Therefore, the teacher´s book and student´s book are very necessary in the learning process to make the class be understood by all the students.

At the end, I consider that it is important to follow all the instruction that the books have to have a successful class. As a matter of fact, those things that I mentioned above are very crucial in my career as a future teacher because it will help me to motivate my students because I can change the activities that I consider are too easy or difficult for them. For example, the activities which are too easy for them I can make them more challenge. 


Sanchez, A. (2013). The selection and use of supplementary materials and.Es.slideshare.net. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from http://es.slideshare.net/aguedacastillosanchez/the-selection-and-use-of-supplementary-materials-and

YouTube,. (2016). Instructional Materials - Questions To Ask. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qszSZzrFXF0

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

UNIT 23 Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation


Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation 
      In this unit I learned about an important topic which is references resources. Reference resources refer about all the information that the teacher needs to have knowledge of in order to have a successful class due that reference resources is a help for teachers when they teaching the second language.
     Next, is important to mention that reference resources provide specific information in which teacher can make use of it according to the student’s level. To illustrate it there are some common resources like reference materials such as dictionaries, grammar books, articles about language, and supplementary materials in a coursebook such as phonemic charts and websites on the internet. Moreover, we can find new dictionaries with new editions in which the teacher and the students can see new features like information about collocation, synonyms, antonyms and so on. These kinds of things are very helpful for teachers because they can decide which one are the most usefulness to teach. But, it is important to mention that we need to be careful when choosing the different resources for our students.
     Finally, I consider that the education is very crucial in the learning process and the teacher has to use all the resources according to the student’s needs. Furthermore, as a future teacher I consider that all these kinds of things will be very helpful for me in my professional life due that it will facilitate the acquisition of language for my students. As I said before, I need to be careful when choosing the reference resources due that we have to take into consideration our students’ need, age, level and way they use to learn new things.   


prezi.com,. (2016). Consulting Reference Resources to Help in Lesson Preparation. Retrieved 30 January 2016, from https://prezi.com/i7hciqcmfl0s/consulting-reference-resources-to-help-in-lesson-preparation/

Using references resources for lesson planning (2009, May 22)


Reference resources: What Are They and Why should You Use Them (2015, April 16)
